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Quick Start

1. Specify imports

For the following snippets in the guide you need to specify multiple imports. Most imports like Universal, MemoryAccount & Node are Stamps that compose certain functionalities. Others like AmountFormatter & Crypto are util modules with typical function exports.

import {
} from '@aeternity/aepp-sdk'

2. Create a Keypair

  const keypair = Crypto.generateKeyPair()
  console.log(`Secret key: ${keypair.secretKey}`)
  console.log(`Public key: ${keypair.publicKey}`)

3. Get some AE using the Faucet

To receive some AE you can use the Faucet. Just add your publicKey, and you'll immediately get some test coins.

4. Interact with the æternity blockchain

This example shows:

  • how to create an instance of the SDK using the Universal Stamp
  • how to get the current block height
  • how to spend 1 AE from the account the SDK instance was initialized with to some other AE address
const NODE_URL = '';
const COMPILER_URL = ''; // required for contract interactions (compiling and creating calldata)
const account = MemoryAccount({
  // replace <YOUR_SECRET> and <YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY> with the values from step 2
  keypair: { secretKey: '<YOUR_SECRET>', publicKey: '<YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY>' }

(async function () {
  const node = await Node({ url: NODE_URL })
  const aeSdk = await Universal({
     compilerUrl: COMPILER_URL,
     nodes: [ { name: 'testnet', instance: node } ],
     accounts: [ account ]

  const height = await aeSdk.height() // get top keyblock height
  console.log('Current Keyblock Height:', height)

  // spend one AE
  await aeSdk.spend(1, '<RECIPIENT_PUBLIC_KEY>', { // replace <RECIPIENT_PUBLIC_KEY>
      denomination: AmountFormatter.AE_AMOUNT_FORMATS.AE


  • By default the spend function expects the amount to be spent in aettos (the smallest possible unit)
  • Following the example snippet you would specify AE as denomination