Lexical syntax
Single line comments start with //
and block comments are enclosed in /*
and */
and can be nested.
contract elif else entrypoint false function if import include let mod namespace
private payable stateful switch true type record datatype main interface
Id = [a-z_][A-Za-z0-9_']*
identifiers start with a lower case letter.Con = [A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_']*
constructors start with an upper case letter.QId = (Con\.)+Id
qualified identifiers (e.g.Map.member
)QCon = (Con\.)+Con
qualified constructorTVar = 'Id
type variable (e.g'a
)Int = [0-9]+(_[0-9]+)*|0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+(_[0-9A-Fa-f]+)*
integer literal with optional_
separatorsBytes = #[0-9A-Fa-f]+(_[0-9A-Fa-f]+)*
byte array literal with optional_
string literal enclosed in"
with escape character\
character literal enclosed in'
with escape character\
base58-encoded 32 byte account pubkey withak_
base58-encoded 32 byte contract address withct_
base58-encoded 32 byte oracle address withok_
base58-encoded 32 byte oracle query id withoq_
Valid string escape codes are
Escape | ASCII | |
\b |
8 | |
\t |
9 | |
\n |
10 | |
\v |
11 | |
\f |
12 | |
\r |
13 | |
\e |
27 | |
\xHexDigits |
HexDigits |
See the identifier encoding scheme for the details on the base58 literals.
Layout blocks
Sophia uses Python-style layout rules to group declarations and statements. A layout block with more than one element must start on a separate line and be indented more than the currently enclosing layout block. Blocks with a single element can be written on the same line as the previous token.
Each element of the block must share the same indentation and no part of an element may be indented less than the indentation of the block. For instance
contract Layout =
function foo() = 0 // no layout
function bar() = // layout block starts on next line
let x = foo() // indented more than 2 spaces
+ 1 // the '+' is indented more than the 'x'
In describing the syntax below, we use the following conventions:
- Upper-case identifiers denote non-terminals (like
) or terminals with some associated value (likeId
). - Keywords and symbols are enclosed in single quotes:
. - Choices are separated by vertical bars:
. - Optional elements are enclosed in
square brackets]
. (
are used for grouping.- Zero or more repetitions are denoted by a postfix
, and one or more repetitions by a+
. Block(X)
denotes a layout block ofX
s.Sep(X, S)
is short for[X (S X)*]
, i.e. a possibly empty sequence ofX
s separated byS
s.Sep1(X, S)
is short forX (S X)*
, i.e. same asSep
, but must not be empty.
A Sophia file consists of a sequence of declarations in a layout block.
File ::= Block(TopDecl)
TopDecl ::= ['payable'] 'contract' Con '=' Block(Decl)
| 'namespace' Con '=' Block(Decl)
| '@compiler' PragmaOp Version
| 'include' String
Decl ::= 'type' Id ['(' TVar* ')'] '=' TypeAlias
| 'record' Id ['(' TVar* ')'] '=' RecordType
| 'datatype' Id ['(' TVar* ')'] '=' DataType
| (EModifier* 'entrypoint' | FModifier* 'function') Block(FunDecl)
FunDecl ::= Id ':' Type // Type signature
| Id Args [':' Type] '=' Block(Stmt) // Definition
PragmaOp ::= '<' | '=<' | '==' | '>=' | '>'
Version ::= Sep1(Int, '.')
EModifier ::= 'payable' | 'stateful'
FModifier ::= 'stateful' | 'private'
Args ::= '(' Sep(Pattern, ',') ')'
Contract declarations must appear at the top-level.
For example,
contract Test =
type t = int
entrypoint add (x : t, y : t) = x + y
There are three forms of type declarations: type aliases (declared with the
keyword), record type definitions (record
) and data type definitions
TypeAlias ::= Type
RecordType ::= '{' Sep(FieldType, ',') '}'
DataType ::= Sep1(ConDecl, '|')
FieldType ::= Id ':' Type
ConDecl ::= Con ['(' Sep1(Type, ',') ')']
For example,
record point('a) = {x : 'a, y : 'a}
datatype shape('a) = Circle(point('a), 'a) | Rect(point('a), point('a))
type int_shape = shape(int)
Type ::= Domain '=>' Type // Function type
| Type '(' Sep(Type, ',') ')' // Type application
| '(' Type ')' // Parens
| 'unit' | Sep(Type, '*') // Tuples
| Id | QId | TVar
Domain ::= Type // Single argument
| '(' Sep(Type, ',') ')' // Multiple arguments
The function type arrow associates to the right.
'a => list('a) => (int * list('a))
Function bodies are blocks of statements, where a statement is one of the following
Stmt ::= 'switch' '(' Expr ')' Block(Case)
| 'if' '(' Expr ')' Block(Stmt)
| 'elif' '(' Expr ')' Block(Stmt)
| 'else' Block(Stmt)
| 'let' LetDef
| Expr
LetDef ::= Id Args [':' Type] '=' Block(Stmt) // Function definition
| Pattern '=' Block(Stmt) // Value definition
Case ::= Pattern '=>' Block(Stmt)
Pattern ::= Expr
statements can be followed by zero or more elif
statements and an optional final else
statement. For example,
let x : int = 4
None => 0
Some(y) =>
if(y > 10)
"too big"
elif(y < 3)
"too small"
"just right"
Expr ::= '(' LamArgs ')' '=>' Block(Stmt) // Anonymous function (x) => x + 1
| 'if' '(' Expr ')' Expr 'else' Expr // If expression if(x < y) y else x
| Expr ':' Type // Type annotation 5 : int
| Expr BinOp Expr // Binary operator x + y
| UnOp Expr // Unary operator ! b
| Expr '(' Sep(Expr, ',') ')' // Application f(x, y)
| Expr '.' Id // Projection state.x
| Expr '[' Expr ']' // Map lookup map[key]
| Expr '{' Sep(FieldUpdate, ',') '}' // Record or map update r{ fld[key].x = y }
| '[' Sep(Expr, ',') ']' // List [1, 2, 3]
| '[' Expr '|' Sep(Generator, ',') ']'
// List comprehension [k | x <- [1], if (f(x)), let k = x+1]
| '[' Expr '..' Expr ']' // List range [1..n]
| '{' Sep(FieldUpdate, ',') '}' // Record or map value {x = 0, y = 1}, {[key] = val}
| '(' Expr ')' // Parens (1 + 2) * 3
| Id | Con | QId | QCon // Identifiers x, None, Map.member, AELib.Token
| Int | Bytes | String | Char // Literals 123, 0xff, #00abc123, "foo", '%'
| AccountAddress | ContractAddress // Chain identifiers
| OracleAddress | OracleQueryId // Chain identifiers
Generator ::= Pattern '<-' Expr // Generator
| 'if' '(' Expr ')' // Guard
| LetDef // Definition
LamArgs ::= '(' Sep(LamArg, ',') ')'
LamArg ::= Id [':' Type]
FieldUpdate ::= Path '=' Expr
Path ::= Id // Record field
| '[' Expr ']' // Map key
| Path '.' Id // Nested record field
| Path '[' Expr ']' // Nested map key
BinOp ::= '||' | '&&' | '<' | '>' | '=<' | '>=' | '==' | '!='
| '::' | '++' | '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | 'mod' | '^'
UnOp ::= '-' | '!'
Operators types
Operators | Type |
- + * / mod ^ |
arithmetic operators |
! && \|\| |
logical operators |
== != < > =< >= |
comparison operators |
:: ++ |
list operators |
Operator precendences
In order of highest to lowest precedence.
Operators | Associativity |
! |
right |
^ |
left |
* / mod |
left |
- (unary) |
right |
+ - |
left |
:: ++ |
right |
< > =< >= == != |
none |
&& |
right |
\|\| |
right |