
Base æpp

How to get the Base æpp

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Build Setup

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at http://localhost:8080/
npm run serve

# serve with hot reload at https://localhost:8080/
npm run serve -- --https

# run on android emulator or device
npm run serve:android

# run on ios emulator
npm run serve:ios

# build for production with minification
npm run build

# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build -- --report

# build for cordova
npm run build:cordova

# build an app file
npm run build:ios

# build an apk file
npm run build:android

# run unit tests
npm run test:unit

# run e2e tests
npm run test:e2e

# run all tests
npm test


We use the gitflow workflow this is also helpful.


We have a stage (develop) and a production (master) branch and environments where these branches will be deployed to.



other branches

unsigned .apk and .app file

bundle analyzer report