Migration from 3.x.x to 4.x.x


AEproject v4.0.0 underwent some bigger changes, is now available as official package of the æternity organization on NPM and is compatible to the recently published node v6.4.0.

Install the new AEproject version

npm install -g @aeternity/aeproject

Removed commands

Following commands have been removed and cannot be used anymore. Most of them didn't work properly or aren't used by anyone:

  • aeproject compatibility (discontinued)

  • aeproject compile

    • manual compilation isn't needed for use of aeproject, alternatively use the CLI or the SDK programmatically

  • aeproject deploy

    • deployment isn't supported in aeproject anymore, alternatively use the CLI or the SDK programmatically

  • aeproject export (discontinued)

  • aeproject tx-inspector

    • manual tx inspection is moved to the CLI

Updated commands

  • aeproject init

    • added the folder argument to create a new folder for the project initialization

Project structure

The latest available node and compiler will always be used with starting the testing environment.

Testing is now handled locally in the project using mocha and chai as direct dev dependencies.

@aeternity/aeproject is added itself as dependency and includes some library-functions that can be used in testing.

const { networks, utils, wallets } = require("@aeternity/aeproject");
  • networks includes network definitions for local development, testnet and mainnet

  • wallets includes example wallets that are prefunded in local development

  • utils includes helper functions for testing

    • getFilesystem(source) to get the filesystem definition for a given contract for deployment

    • getSdk() get an instance of the SDK for local development

      • initialized with all prefunded wallets for onAccount to be used calling from different accounts

    • awaitKeyBlocks(aeSdk, number) await a certain number of key-blocks

    • createSnapshot(aeSdk) create a snapshot for local testing

    • rollbackSnapshot(aeSdk) rollback to previously created snapshot in local testing


  1. Upgrade your project

    aeproject init --update
    • adds new files needed

      • including new example contract and tests

    • prompts for files to replaced

      • docker setup for the node, compiler dev-mode setup should be accepted

      • example contract and example tests should not be accepted if used in your project for testing

    • automatically installs needed dependencies and removes unnecessary ones

  2. Adapt Testing Setup (compare your tests with test/exampleTest.js) to

    • include const { assert } = require('chai'); for assertions

    • replace NETWORKS import with const { networks } = require('@aeternity/aeproject'); for networks definition

      • local testing network is now devmode instead of local

    • replace defaultWallets import with const { wallets } = require('@aeternity/aeproject'); for prefunded wallets

    • replace contractUtils import with const { utils } = require('@aeternity/aeproject'); for utils

      • consider using the new helpers for initializing an instance of the SDK and creating snapshots similar to test/exampleTest.js

Last updated