Response Schema for AEX9 balance responses

interface Aex9BalanceResponse {
    amount: bigint;
    blockHash: number;
    contractId: `ct_${string}`;
    decimals: number;
    height: number;
    tokenName: string;
    tokenSymbol: string;
    txHash: `th_${string}`;
    txIndex: number;
    txType: string;


amount: bigint

Amount of AEX9 token

blockHash: number

Block hash, indicating a state of a balance for that block

contractId: `ct_${string}`

Contract id of AEX9 token

decimals: number

Number of decimals of AEX9 token

height: number

Block height, indicating a state of a balance for that block height

tokenName: string

Name of AEX9 token

tokenSymbol: string

Symbol of AEX9 token

txHash: `th_${string}`

Transaction hash, indicating a state of a balance for that block height

txIndex: number

Transaction index, indicating a state of a balance for that block height

txType: string

Transaction type, indicating a state of a balance for that block height