interface OracleQuery {
    blockHash: `mh_${string}`;
    blockTime: Date;
    fee: bigint;
    height: number;
    nonce: number;
    oracleId: `ok_${string}`;
    query: string;
    queryFee: bigint;
    queryId: `oq_${string}`;
    queryTtl: Record<string, unknown>;
    response?: OracleResponse;
    responseTtl: Record<string, unknown>;
    senderId: `ak_${string}`;
    sourceTxHash: `th_${string}`;
    sourceTxType: string;
    ttl: number;


blockHash: `mh_${string}`

The hash of the block in which it ocurred

blockTime: Date

The time of the block

fee: bigint

The transaction fee

height: number

The block height

nonce: number

The nonce

oracleId: `ok_${string}`

The oracle ID of this query

query: string

Base64 encoding of the query

queryFee: bigint

The query fee

queryId: `oq_${string}`

Oracle query ID

queryTtl: Record<string, unknown>

Expiration of the query

response?: OracleResponse
responseTtl: Record<string, unknown>

Expiration of the response

senderId: `ak_${string}`

The creator of the query

sourceTxHash: `th_${string}`

The hash of the transaction in which the query was created

sourceTxType: string

The type of the transaction in which the query was created, it can be either via a contract call or a query transaction

ttl: number

Transaction TTL