AeSdkMethods is the composition of:

  • chain methods
  • tx methods
  • aens methods
  • spend methods
  • oracle methods
  • contract methods
  • contract ga methods

While these methods can be used separately, this class provides a handy way to store their context (current account, network, and compiler to use).



_options: AeSdkMethodsOptions = {}


  • Type Parameters


    • Optional options: Omit<Omit<{
          aci: Aci;
          address?: `ct_${string}`;
          bytecode?: `cb_${string}`;
          fileSystem?: Record<string, string>;
          name?: `${string}.chain`;
          onCompiler?: CompilerBase;
          onNode: Node;
          sourceCode?: string;
          sourceCodePath?: string;
      } & Partial<BuildTxOptions<ContractCallTx, "callData" | "callerId" | "contractId">> & {
          omitUnknown?: boolean;
      } & GetContractNameByEventOptions & Omit<SendTransactionOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount"> & Omit<{
          combine?: boolean;
          onNode: Node;
          top?: number | `kh_${string}` | `mh_${string}`;
          txEvents?: boolean;
      }, "onNode"> & {
          callStatic?: boolean;
          onAccount?: AccountBase;
          onNode?: Node;
      } & Partial<BuildTxOptions<ContractCreateTx, "code" | "ownerId" | "callData">>, "address" | "aci"> & {
          aci?: Aci;
          address?: `${string}.chain` | `ct_${string}`;
          validateBytecode?: boolean;
      }, "onNode"> & {
          onNode?: Node;

    Returns Promise<Contract<Methods>>

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