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Typed data hashing and signing

Common structure

The whole idea is heavily inspired by EIP-712. To get a signature needed to calculate hash(hash(domain), hash(aci), hash(data)).

hash function is blake2b.

domain is a record containing not required properties: - name as string, - version as integer, - networkId as string, - contractAddress as ct-encoded string.

aci is part of a complete contract ACI. It defines a type of data to sign. For example, the ACI

  "record": [
    { "name": "foo", "type": "string" },
    { "name": "bar", "type": "int" }
corresponds to the data
{ "foo": "test", "bar": 42 }

domain and data are fate-encoded before hashing. aci is prepared for hashing according to RFC8785.


  • encodeFateValue — use to generate the first argument for signTypedData;
  • AccountBase::signTypedData — calculates signature, supported in MemoryAccount and in aepp-wallet connection;
  • hashTypedData — calculates the overall hash of typed data to sign;
  • decodeFateValue — use to preview data to sign on wallet side;
  • hashJson — deterministic hashing of an arbitrary JS value, used to calculate hash(aci);
  • hashDomain — use for debugging or to prepare the hash value for smart contract.
