Contributing & Guidelines

In 🦸 Superhero Wallet we use git-flow (you can check this git-flow breakdown as well to familiarize yourself with the workflow). To contribute, please follow these rules:

  • A develop branch is created from master

  • A release branch is created from develop

  • Feature branches are created from develop and are prefixed with feature/ (ex. feature/show-token-balance)

  • If there are conflicts and the newly created feature branch needs to be synced with develop - rebase your branch with develop, resolve any conflicts that may arise and push your changes to the remote branch.

  • When development is finished a pull request to develop is created. At least one person has to review the PR and when everything is fine the PR gets merged.

  • When a feature is complete it is merged into the develop branch

  • The develop branch and all the feature branches are deployed to the stage environment or feature preview environment by travis-ci automatically.

  • To make a new release create a release branch called release/vX.X.X, also bump the version number in package.json in this branch.

  • Create a PR to master which then also has to be accepted.

  • Create a tag for this version and push the tag.

  • Also merge back the changes (like the version bump) into develop.

  • The master branch has to be deployed to the production environment manually or via the automated deployment in travis-ci.

  • If an issue in master is detected a hotfix branch is created from master

  • Once the hotfix is complete it is merged to both develop and master

All contributions are welcome 🙏

Last updated