You need Erlang/OTP (version 23 or newer) installed to build the compiler CLI.
[compile] :
aesophia_cli identity.aes -o identity.aeb
[compile (with unused functions and shadowing warnings enabled)] :
aesophia_cli -wunused_functions -wshadowing identity.aes
[compile with explicit include path] :
aesophia_cli identity.aes -i /path/to/include/ -o identity.aeb
[create aci stub] :
aesophia_cli --create_stub_aci identity.aes
[create aci JSON] :
aesophia_cli --create_json_aci identity.aes -o identity.json
[create calldata] :
aesophia_cli --create_calldata identity.aes --call "main_(42)"
[decode calldata] :
aesophia_cli --decode_calldata cb_KxG3+3bAG1StlAV3 --calldata_fun main_ identity.aes
[decode call result] :
aesophia_cli --call_result cb_VNLOFXc= --call_result_type ok --call_result_fun main_ identity.aes
[validate byte code] :
aesophia_cli --validate cb_+GdGA6C7MajPXETkDK+UVqKYiFfJYQR/4jFNiD8Vqjl3gxZWvsC4Op7+RNZEHwA3ADcAGg6CPwEDP/63+3bAADcBBwcBAQCXLwIRRNZEHxFpbml0Ebf7dsAVbWFpbl+CLwCFNy4xLjAA6UiBbQ== identity.aes