Contributing to Sophia

Checklist For Creating New Pull Requests

The following points should be considered before creating a new PR to the Sophia compiler.



  • If a PR introduces new syntax (e.g. changes in aeso_syntax.erl, aeso_scan.erl, or aeso_parser.erl), the contract all_syntax.aes should be updated to include the new syntax.

  • If a PR fixes a bug, the code that replicates the bug should be added as a new passing test contract.

  • If a PR introduces a new feature, add tests for both successful and failing usage of that feature. In order to run the entire compilation pipeline and to avoid erroring during intermediate steps, failing tests should not be mixed with the successful ones.

Source Code

Checklist For Creating a Release

  • Update the version in the file

  • Update the version in the file rebar.config.

  • In the Changelog:

    • Update the Unreleased changes to be under the new version.

    • Update the version at the bottom of the file.

  • Commit and the changes and create a new PR (check the commit of v6.1.0 for reference).

  • Create a release after merging the new PR to master branch.

  • After releasing aesophia, refer to each of the following repositories and create new releases as well, using the new aesophia release:

Last updated