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Compatibility Table

This package is expected to work in these environments:

Environment Comment
nodejs>=14.19, common js
nodejs>=14.19, mjs
Browser using script tag, umd
webpack@4 requires a fix to work with mjs build webpack-4
@vue/cli@4 (webpack@4) requires aliases to ESM versions of autorest deps vue-cli4
@vue/cli@5 (webpack@5)
vue@3 AeSdk, Contract instances can't be reactive vue-3
create-react-app@4 (webpack@4) mjs build is not compatible with webpack@4 cra-webpack-4
create-react-app@5 (webpack@5)
create-react-native-app@3 (webpack@4) mjs build is not compatible with webpack@4 cra-webpack-4
[email protected] requires an environment where Buffer is instanceof Uint8Array jest
typescript>=4.1, ideally >=4.7 requires tsconfig.json adjustments typescript
vite@3 requires 'es2020' and bigint: true in vite.config.js vite