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InnerTx: SpendTx


The whole script is located in the repository and this page explains in detail how to:

  • Create and sign a SpendTx for an account with the innerTx option.
  • Wrap the signed SpendTx in a PayingForTx, signing it using an account that pays the fees of the inner SpendTx and broadcasts it to the network.


  • This can be done for any transaction type!

1. Specify imports

You need to import AeSdk, Node and MemoryAccount classes from the SDK. Additionally you import the generateKeyPair utility function to generate a new keypair.

import {
  AeSdk, Node, MemoryAccount, Tag,
} from '@aeternity/aepp-sdk';

  • You need to have the SDK installed via npm i @aetenity/aepp-sdk -g to run that example code.

2. Define constants

The following constants are used in the subsequent code snippets.

const PAYER_ACCOUNT_SECRET_KEY = '9ebd7beda0c79af72a42ece3821a56eff16359b6df376cf049aee995565f022f840c974b97164776454ba119d84edc4d6058a8dec92b6edc578ab2d30b4c4200';
const NODE_URL = '';
const AMOUNT = 1;

  • The secret key of the account is pre-funded and only used for demonstration purpose
    • You can replace it with your own keypair (see Create a Keypair)
    • In case the account runs out of funds you can always request AE using the Faucet
  • The AMOUNT (in aettos) will be send to the new user and returned to the payer.

3. Create object instances

const payerAccount = new MemoryAccount(PAYER_ACCOUNT_SECRET_KEY);
const newUserAccount = MemoryAccount.generate();
const node = new Node(NODE_URL);
const aeSdk = new AeSdk({
  nodes: [{ name: 'testnet', instance: node }],
  accounts: [payerAccount, newUserAccount],

4. Send 1 aetto from payer to new user

const spendTxResult = await aeSdk.spend(
  { onAccount: payerAccount },

5. Check balance of new user (before)

const newUserBalanceBefore = await aeSdk.getBalance(newUserAccount.address);
console.log(`new user balance (before): ${newUserBalanceBefore}`);

  • The balance should now be 1

6. Create and sign SpendTx on behalf of new user

const spendTx = await aeSdk.buildTx({
  tag: Tag.SpendTx,
  senderId: newUserAccount.address,
  recipientId: payerAccount.address,
  amount: AMOUNT,
const signedSpendTx = await aeSdk.signTransaction(
  { onAccount: newUserAccount, innerTx: true },

  • The provided transaction option innerTx indicates that the transaction needs to be signed in a special way

7. Create, sign & broadcast the PayingForTx as payer

const payForTx = await aeSdk.payForTransaction(signedSpendTx, { onAccount: payerAccount });

  • Normally sending the whole balance (1 aetto) would not be possible as the new user would have to cover the transaction fee.

8. Check balance of new user (after)

const newUserBalanceAfter = await aeSdk.getBalance(newUserAccount.address);
console.log(`new user balance (after): ${newUserBalanceAfter}`);

  • The balance should now be 0