About this release
This release is the seventh release candidate. It:
Updates genesis accounts
Sets target for the genesis block
Increases the amount of nodes that new information is gossiped to
Restricts the listen address of the operations TCP port (Distributed Erlang) to localhost (
This release introduces backward incompatible changes in the chain format:
After upgrading your node, you will not have your previous balance (even if you keep your key pair);
Please ensure that you do not reuse a persisted blockchain produced by the previous releases "v1.0.0-rc3,4,5,6".
Please join the net by following the instructions below, and let us know if you have any problems by opening a ticket. Troubleshooting of common issues is documented in the wiki.
The instructions below describe:
Retrieve the software for running a node
You can run a node by either:
Installing the published release binary corresponding to your platform; or
Running the published Docker image
; or
The user configuration is documented in the wiki. For specifying configuration using the Docker image, please refer to its documentation.
The node user API is documented:
HTTP API endpoints are specified online in swagger.yaml;
A JSON version of the same specification is located in the node at path
.The JSON version can be obtained from a running node using the endpoint
.An interactive visualization of the same specification is available online.
WebSocket API endpoints are specified online;
The intended usage of the user API (HTTP and WebSocket) is documented online.
Install node
The instructions for installing a node using a release binary are in the dedicated separate document.
For installation of a node using the Docker image, please refer to its documentation online.
Join the net
This section describes how to run a node as part of the net - the public network of nodes - by using the release binary.
For running a node as part of the net by using the Docker image, please consult its documentation in addition to this section.
Inspect the net
The core nodes of the public network are accessible from the Internet.
Information, e.g. height, of the top block of the longest chain as seen by these core nodes of the net can be obtained by opening in the browser any of the following URLs:
Setup your node
Setting up your node consists of:
Configuring your node - see instructions in the dedicated separate document;
Starting your node and verifying it works as expected - see instructions in the dedicated separate document.
Last updated