...args: ["block" | "microblock"] | ["block" | "microblock", Omit<{ _expectedMineRate?: number; _maxPollInterval?: number; _microBlockCycle?: number }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Rest
...args: [`${string}.chain`, string | number | BigNumber] | [`${string}.chain`, string | number | BigNumber, Omit<Omit<AensClaimOptions, "nameFee">, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Rest
...args: [`${string}.chain`, number] | [`${string}.chain`, number, Omit<AensClaimOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Rest
...args: [`${string}.chain`] | [`${string}.chain`, Omit<AensPreclaimOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Rest
...args: [`${string}.chain`] | [`${string}.chain`, Omit<{ onNode: Node } & AensUpdateOptions & AensTransferOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Rest
...args: [`${string}.chain`] | [`${string}.chain`, Omit<AensRevokeOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Rest
...args: [`${string}.chain`, `ak_${string}`] | [`${string}.chain`, `ak_${string}`, Omit<AensTransferOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Rest
...args: [`${string}.chain`, KeyPointers] | [`${string}.chain`, KeyPointers, Omit<AensUpdateOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Rest
...args: [number] | [number, Omit<{ interval?: number; onNode: Node } & { _expectedMineRate?: number; _maxPollInterval?: number; _microBlockCycle?: number }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Rest
...args: [`tx_${string}`] | [`tx_${string}`, Omit<{ onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Rest
...args: [`ct_${string}`, any] | [`ct_${string}`] | [`ct_${string}`, Omit<any, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Rest
...args: [string, string, any[]] | [string, string, any[], Omit<CreateGeneralizedAccountOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Rest
...args: [`tx_${string}`, { args?: any[]; callData?: `cb_${string}`; gasLimit?: number; source?: string }, string] | [`tx_${string}`, { args?: any[]; callData?: `cb_${string}`; gasLimit?: number; source?: string }, string, Omit<{ onAccount: AccountBase; onCompiler: Compiler; onNode: Node } & object, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Rest
...args: [`ct_${string}`, any] | [`ct_${string}`] | [`ct_${string}`, Omit<any, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Rest
...args: [`ok_${string}`] | [`ok_${string}`, Omit<ExtendOracleTtlOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Rest
...args: [`ct_${string}` | `ak_${string}`] | [`ct_${string}` | `ak_${string}`, Omit<{ hash?: `kh_${string}` | `mh_${string}`; height?: number; onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Rest
...args: [`ct_${string}` | `ak_${string}`] | [`ct_${string}` | `ak_${string}`, Omit<{ format?: AE_AMOUNT_FORMATS } & { hash?: `kh_${string}` | `mh_${string}`; height?: number; onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Rest
...args: [`ct_${string}`] | [`ct_${string}`, Omit<{ onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Rest
...args: [`ct_${string}`] | [`ct_${string}`, Omit<{ onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Rest
...args: [] | [Omit<{ aci?: <internal>.Aci; bytecode?: `cb_${string}`; contractAddress?: `ct_${string}` | `${string}.chain`; fileSystem?: Record<string, string>; onAccount?: AccountBase; onCompiler: Compiler; onNode: Node; source?: string; validateBytecode?: boolean; [key: string]: any }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Rest
...args: [] | [Omit<{ onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Rest
...args: [number | `kh_${string}`] | [number | `kh_${string}`, Omit<{ onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Rest
...args: [] | [Omit<{ onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Rest
...args: [number | `kh_${string}`] | [number | `kh_${string}`, Omit<{ onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Rest
...args: [`mh_${string}`] | [`mh_${string}`, Omit<{ onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Rest
...args: [`mh_${string}`] | [`mh_${string}`, Omit<{ onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Rest
...args: [`${string}.chain`] | [`${string}.chain`, Omit<{ onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Readonly
...args: [`ok_${string}`] | [`ok_${string}`, Omit<{ onAccount: AccountBase; onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Rest
...args: [`ok_${string}`, `oq_${string}`] | [`ok_${string}`, `oq_${string}`, Omit<RespondToQueryOptions & { interval?: number; onNode: Node } & { _expectedMineRate?: number; _maxPollInterval?: number; _microBlockCycle?: number }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Rest
...args: [] | [Omit<{ onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Rest
...args: [`ak_${string}`] | [`ak_${string}`, Omit<{ hash?: `kh_${string}` | `mh_${string}`; height?: number; onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Rest
...args: [`tx_${string}`] | [`tx_${string}`, Omit<PayForTransactionOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Rest
...args: [`th_${string}`] | [`th_${string}`, Omit<{ blocks?: number; interval?: number; onNode: Node } & { _expectedMineRate?: number; _maxPollInterval?: number; _microBlockCycle?: number }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Rest
...args: [`ok_${string}`, ((queries: { fee: bigint; id: string; oracleId: string; query: string; response: string; responseTtl: { type: TTLType; value: string; }; senderId: string; senderNonce: string; ttl: number }[]) => void)] | [`ok_${string}`, ((queries: { fee: bigint; id: string; oracleId: string; query: string; response: string; responseTtl: { type: TTLType; value: string; }; senderId: string; senderNonce: string; ttl: number }[]) => void), Omit<{ interval?: number; onNode: Node } & { _expectedMineRate?: number; _maxPollInterval?: number; _microBlockCycle?: number }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Poll for oracle queries
Callback to stop polling function
...args: [`ok_${string}`, `oq_${string}`] | [`ok_${string}`, `oq_${string}`, Omit<{ interval?: number; onNode: Node } & { _expectedMineRate?: number; _maxPollInterval?: number; _microBlockCycle?: number }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Rest
...args: [`ok_${string}`, string, Omit<PostQueryToOracleOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Rest
...args: [Tag, Omit<PrepareTxParamsOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Rest
...args: [string, string] | [string, string, Omit<RegisterOracleOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Rest
...args: [`ct_${string}` | `ak_${string}` | `${string}.chain`, string] | [`ct_${string}` | `ak_${string}` | `${string}.chain`, string, Omit<{ onNode: Node; resolveByNode?: boolean; verify?: boolean }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Rest
...args: [`ok_${string}`, `oq_${string}`, string] | [`ok_${string}`, `oq_${string}`, string, Omit<RespondToQueryOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Optional
...args: [`tx_${string}`] | [`tx_${string}`, Omit<SendOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Rest
...args: [`tx_${string}`] | [`tx_${string}`, Omit<SendTransactionOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Rest
...args: [`tx_${string}`, Omit<{ authData: { args?: any[]; callData?: `cb_${string}`; gasLimit?: number; source?: string }; authFun: string } & { onAccount: AccountBase; onCompiler: Compiler; onNode: Node } & object, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Rest
...args: [string | number, `ak_${string}` | `${string}.chain`] | [string | number, `ak_${string}` | `${string}.chain`, Omit<SpendOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Rest
...args: [string | number, `ak_${string}` | `${string}.chain`] | [string | number, `ak_${string}` | `${string}.chain`, Omit<TransferFundsOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Rest
...args: [`tx_${string}`, `ak_${string}`] | [`tx_${string}`, `ak_${string}`, Omit<{ combine?: boolean; onNode: Node; top?: number; txEvents?: boolean }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Rest
...args: [`th_${string}`] | [`th_${string}`, Omit<{ confirm?: number; onNode: Node } & { interval?: number; onNode: Node } & { _expectedMineRate?: number; _maxPollInterval?: number; _microBlockCycle?: number }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]Add specific account
Account instance
select?: booleanSelect account
ensureGet information about node
nodePool.getNodeInfo() // { name, version, networkId, protocol, ... }
Get array of available nodes
Check if you have selected node
Generated using TypeDoc
Obtain networkId from account or node