

  • Parameters

    • Optional options: { compilerUrl?: string; ignoreVersion?: boolean; nodes?: { instance: Node; name: string }[]; [key: string]: any }
      • [key: string]: any
      • Optional compilerUrl?: string
      • Optional ignoreVersion?: boolean
      • Optional nodes?: { instance: Node; name: string }[]

    Returns AeSdk


_getPollInterval: ((...args: ["block" | "microblock"] | ["block" | "microblock", Omit<{ _expectedMineRate?: number; _maxPollInterval?: number; _microBlockCycle?: number }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => number)

Type declaration

    • (...args: ["block" | "microblock"] | ["block" | "microblock", Omit<{ _expectedMineRate?: number; _maxPollInterval?: number; _microBlockCycle?: number }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]): number
    • Parameters

      • Rest ...args: ["block" | "microblock"] | ["block" | "microblock", Omit<{ _expectedMineRate?: number; _maxPollInterval?: number; _microBlockCycle?: number }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]

      Returns number

_options: { amount: number; denomination: AE_AMOUNT_FORMATS; [key: string]: any } = ...

Type declaration

accounts: { [key: AccountAddress]: AccountBase } = {}

Type declaration

aensBid: ((...args: [`${string}.chain`, string | number | BigNumber] | [`${string}.chain`, string | number | BigNumber, Omit<Omit<AensClaimOptions, "nameFee">, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<AensClaimReturnType>)

Type declaration

    • (...args: [`${string}.chain`, string | number | BigNumber] | [`${string}.chain`, string | number | BigNumber, Omit<Omit<AensClaimOptions, "nameFee">, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]): Promise<AensClaimReturnType>
    • Parameters

      • Rest ...args: [`${string}.chain`, string | number | BigNumber] | [`${string}.chain`, string | number | BigNumber, Omit<Omit<AensClaimOptions, "nameFee">, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]

      Returns Promise<AensClaimReturnType>

aensClaim: ((...args: [`${string}.chain`, number] | [`${string}.chain`, number, Omit<AensClaimOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<AensClaimReturnType>)

Type declaration

aensPreclaim: ((...args: [`${string}.chain`] | [`${string}.chain`, Omit<AensPreclaimOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<Readonly<SendReturnType & { claim: ((opts?: AensClaimOptions) => Promise<AensClaimReturnType>); commitmentId: string; height: number; salt: number }>>)

Type declaration

aensQuery: ((...args: [`${string}.chain`] | [`${string}.chain`, Omit<{ onNode: Node } & AensUpdateOptions & AensTransferOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<Readonly<{ id: string; owner?: string; pointers: ({ key: string; id: string; })[]; ttl: number } & { extendTtl: ((nameTtl: number, options?: Omit<{ onNode: Node } & AensUpdateOptions & AensTransferOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler">) => Promise<SendReturnType> & Promise<Readonly<{ id: string; owner?: string; pointers: ({ key: string; id: string; })[]; ttl: number } & ({ id: `nm_${string}`; owner: `ak_${string}`; pointers: NamePointer[] | KeyPointers; ttl: number; update: (pointers: KeyPointers, options?: (Omit<{ onNode: Node; } & AensUpdateOptions & AensTransferOptions, "onNode" | ... 1 more ... | "onCompiler"> & { ...; }) | undefined) => Promise<...> & Promise<...>; transfer: (a...)>>); id: `nm_${string}`; owner: `ak_${string}`; pointers: NamePointer[] | KeyPointers; revoke: ((options?: Omit<AensRevokeOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: AccountBase }) => Promise<SendReturnType>); transfer: ((account: `ak_${string}`, options?: { onNode: Node } & AensUpdateOptions & AensTransferOptions) => Promise<SendReturnType> & Promise<Readonly<{ id: string; owner?: string; pointers: ({ key: string; id: string; })[]; ttl: number } & ({ id: `nm_${string}`; owner: `ak_${string}`; pointers: NamePointer[] | KeyPointers; ttl: number; update: (pointers: KeyPointers, options?: (Omit<{ onNode: Node; } & AensUpdateOptions & AensTransferOptions, "onNode" | ... 1 more ... | "onCompiler"> & { ...; }) | undefined) => Promise<...> & Promise<...>; transfer: (a...)>>); ttl: number; update: ((pointers: KeyPointers, options?: Omit<{ onNode: Node } & AensUpdateOptions & AensTransferOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: AccountBase }) => Promise<SendReturnType> & Promise<Readonly<{ id: string; owner?: string; pointers: ({ key: string; id: string; })[]; ttl: number } & ({ id: `nm_${string}`; owner: `ak_${string}`; pointers: NamePointer[] | KeyPointers; ttl: number; update: (pointers: KeyPointers, options?: (Omit<{ onNode: Node; } & AensUpdateOptions & AensTransferOptions, "onNode" | ... 1 more ... | "onCompiler"> & { ...; }) | undefined) => Promise<...> & Promise<...>; transfer: (a...)>>) }>>)

Type declaration

    • (...args: [`${string}.chain`] | [`${string}.chain`, Omit<{ onNode: Node } & AensUpdateOptions & AensTransferOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]): Promise<Readonly<{ id: string; owner?: string; pointers: ({ key: string; id: string; })[]; ttl: number } & { extendTtl: ((nameTtl: number, options?: Omit<{ onNode: Node } & AensUpdateOptions & AensTransferOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler">) => Promise<SendReturnType> & Promise<Readonly<{ id: string; owner?: string; pointers: ({ key: string; id: string; })[]; ttl: number } & ({ id: `nm_${string}`; owner: `ak_${string}`; pointers: NamePointer[] | KeyPointers; ttl: number; update: (pointers: KeyPointers, options?: (Omit<{ onNode: Node; } & AensUpdateOptions & AensTransferOptions, "onNode" | ... 1 more ... | "onCompiler"> & { ...; }) | undefined) => Promise<...> & Promise<...>; transfer: (a...)>>); id: `nm_${string}`; owner: `ak_${string}`; pointers: NamePointer[] | KeyPointers; revoke: ((options?: Omit<AensRevokeOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: AccountBase }) => Promise<SendReturnType>); transfer: ((account: `ak_${string}`, options?: { onNode: Node } & AensUpdateOptions & AensTransferOptions) => Promise<SendReturnType> & Promise<Readonly<{ id: string; owner?: string; pointers: ({ key: string; id: string; })[]; ttl: number } & ({ id: `nm_${string}`; owner: `ak_${string}`; pointers: NamePointer[] | KeyPointers; ttl: number; update: (pointers: KeyPointers, options?: (Omit<{ onNode: Node; } & AensUpdateOptions & AensTransferOptions, "onNode" | ... 1 more ... | "onCompiler"> & { ...; }) | undefined) => Promise<...> & Promise<...>; transfer: (a...)>>); ttl: number; update: ((pointers: KeyPointers, options?: Omit<{ onNode: Node } & AensUpdateOptions & AensTransferOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: AccountBase }) => Promise<SendReturnType> & Promise<Readonly<{ id: string; owner?: string; pointers: ({ key: string; id: string; })[]; ttl: number } & ({ id: `nm_${string}`; owner: `ak_${string}`; pointers: NamePointer[] | KeyPointers; ttl: number; update: (pointers: KeyPointers, options?: (Omit<{ onNode: Node; } & AensUpdateOptions & AensTransferOptions, "onNode" | ... 1 more ... | "onCompiler"> & { ...; }) | undefined) => Promise<...> & Promise<...>; transfer: (a...)>>) }>>
    • Parameters

      Returns Promise<Readonly<{ id: string; owner?: string; pointers: ({ key: string; id: string; })[]; ttl: number } & { extendTtl: ((nameTtl: number, options?: Omit<{ onNode: Node } & AensUpdateOptions & AensTransferOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler">) => Promise<SendReturnType> & Promise<Readonly<{ id: string; owner?: string; pointers: ({ key: string; id: string; })[]; ttl: number } & ({ id: `nm_${string}`; owner: `ak_${string}`; pointers: NamePointer[] | KeyPointers; ttl: number; update: (pointers: KeyPointers, options?: (Omit<{ onNode: Node; } & AensUpdateOptions & AensTransferOptions, "onNode" | ... 1 more ... | "onCompiler"> & { ...; }) | undefined) => Promise<...> & Promise<...>; transfer: (a...)>>); id: `nm_${string}`; owner: `ak_${string}`; pointers: NamePointer[] | KeyPointers; revoke: ((options?: Omit<AensRevokeOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: AccountBase }) => Promise<SendReturnType>); transfer: ((account: `ak_${string}`, options?: { onNode: Node } & AensUpdateOptions & AensTransferOptions) => Promise<SendReturnType> & Promise<Readonly<{ id: string; owner?: string; pointers: ({ key: string; id: string; })[]; ttl: number } & ({ id: `nm_${string}`; owner: `ak_${string}`; pointers: NamePointer[] | KeyPointers; ttl: number; update: (pointers: KeyPointers, options?: (Omit<{ onNode: Node; } & AensUpdateOptions & AensTransferOptions, "onNode" | ... 1 more ... | "onCompiler"> & { ...; }) | undefined) => Promise<...> & Promise<...>; transfer: (a...)>>); ttl: number; update: ((pointers: KeyPointers, options?: Omit<{ onNode: Node } & AensUpdateOptions & AensTransferOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: AccountBase }) => Promise<SendReturnType> & Promise<Readonly<{ id: string; owner?: string; pointers: ({ key: string; id: string; })[]; ttl: number } & ({ id: `nm_${string}`; owner: `ak_${string}`; pointers: NamePointer[] | KeyPointers; ttl: number; update: (pointers: KeyPointers, options?: (Omit<{ onNode: Node; } & AensUpdateOptions & AensTransferOptions, "onNode" | ... 1 more ... | "onCompiler"> & { ...; }) | undefined) => Promise<...> & Promise<...>; transfer: (a...)>>) }>>

aensRevoke: ((...args: [`${string}.chain`] | [`${string}.chain`, Omit<AensRevokeOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<SendReturnType>)

Type declaration

aensTransfer: ((...args: [`${string}.chain`, `ak_${string}`] | [`${string}.chain`, `ak_${string}`, Omit<AensTransferOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<SendReturnType>)

Type declaration

aensUpdate: ((...args: [`${string}.chain`, KeyPointers] | [`${string}.chain`, KeyPointers, Omit<AensUpdateOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<SendReturnType>)

Type declaration

awaitHeight: ((...args: [number] | [number, Omit<{ interval?: number; onNode: Node } & { _expectedMineRate?: number; _maxPollInterval?: number; _microBlockCycle?: number }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<number>)

Type declaration

    • (...args: [number] | [number, Omit<{ interval?: number; onNode: Node } & { _expectedMineRate?: number; _maxPollInterval?: number; _microBlockCycle?: number }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]): Promise<number>
    • Parameters

      • Rest ...args: [number] | [number, Omit<{ interval?: number; onNode: Node } & { _expectedMineRate?: number; _maxPollInterval?: number; _microBlockCycle?: number }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]

      Returns Promise<number>

buildAuthTxHash: ((...args: [`tx_${string}`] | [`tx_${string}`, Omit<{ onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<Uint8Array>)

Type declaration

    • (...args: [`tx_${string}`] | [`tx_${string}`, Omit<{ onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]): Promise<Uint8Array>
    • Parameters

      • Rest ...args: [`tx_${string}`] | [`tx_${string}`, Omit<{ onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]

      Returns Promise<Uint8Array>

compilerApi: Compiler
createAensDelegationSignature: ((...args: [`ct_${string}`, any] | [`ct_${string}`] | [`ct_${string}`, Omit<any, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<string>)

Type declaration

    • (...args: [`ct_${string}`, any] | [`ct_${string}`] | [`ct_${string}`, Omit<any, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]): Promise<string>
    • Parameters

      • Rest ...args: [`ct_${string}`, any] | [`ct_${string}`] | [`ct_${string}`, Omit<any, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]

      Returns Promise<string>

createGeneralizedAccount: ((...args: [string, string, any[]] | [string, string, any[], Omit<CreateGeneralizedAccountOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<Readonly<{ gaContractId: `ct_${string}`; owner: `ak_${string}`; rawTx: `tx_${string}`; transaction: `th_${string}` }>>)

Type declaration

    • (...args: [string, string, any[]] | [string, string, any[], Omit<CreateGeneralizedAccountOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]): Promise<Readonly<{ gaContractId: `ct_${string}`; owner: `ak_${string}`; rawTx: `tx_${string}`; transaction: `th_${string}` }>>
    • Parameters

      Returns Promise<Readonly<{ gaContractId: `ct_${string}`; owner: `ak_${string}`; rawTx: `tx_${string}`; transaction: `th_${string}` }>>

createMetaTx: ((...args: [`tx_${string}`, { args?: any[]; callData?: `cb_${string}`; gasLimit?: number; source?: string }, string] | [`tx_${string}`, { args?: any[]; callData?: `cb_${string}`; gasLimit?: number; source?: string }, string, Omit<{ onAccount: AccountBase; onCompiler: Compiler; onNode: Node } & object, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<`tx_${string}`>)

Type declaration

    • (...args: [`tx_${string}`, { args?: any[]; callData?: `cb_${string}`; gasLimit?: number; source?: string }, string] | [`tx_${string}`, { args?: any[]; callData?: `cb_${string}`; gasLimit?: number; source?: string }, string, Omit<{ onAccount: AccountBase; onCompiler: Compiler; onNode: Node } & object, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]): Promise<`tx_${string}`>
    • Parameters

      • Rest ...args: [`tx_${string}`, { args?: any[]; callData?: `cb_${string}`; gasLimit?: number; source?: string }, string] | [`tx_${string}`, { args?: any[]; callData?: `cb_${string}`; gasLimit?: number; source?: string }, string, Omit<{ onAccount: AccountBase; onCompiler: Compiler; onNode: Node } & object, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]

      Returns Promise<`tx_${string}`>

createOracleDelegationSignature: ((...args: [`ct_${string}`, any] | [`ct_${string}`] | [`ct_${string}`, Omit<any, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<string>)

Type declaration

    • (...args: [`ct_${string}`, any] | [`ct_${string}`] | [`ct_${string}`, Omit<any, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]): Promise<string>
    • Parameters

      • Rest ...args: [`ct_${string}`, any] | [`ct_${string}`] | [`ct_${string}`, Omit<any, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]

      Returns Promise<string>

extendOracleTtl: ((...args: [`ok_${string}`] | [`ok_${string}`, Omit<ExtendOracleTtlOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<SendReturnType & GetOracleObjectReturnType>)

Type declaration

getAccount: ((...args: [`ct_${string}` | `ak_${string}`] | [`ct_${string}` | `ak_${string}`, Omit<{ hash?: `kh_${string}` | `mh_${string}`; height?: number; onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<{ authFun?: string; balance: bigint; contractId?: string; id: string; kind?: AccountKind; nonce: number; payable?: boolean }>)

Type declaration

    • (...args: [`ct_${string}` | `ak_${string}`] | [`ct_${string}` | `ak_${string}`, Omit<{ hash?: `kh_${string}` | `mh_${string}`; height?: number; onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]): Promise<{ authFun?: string; balance: bigint; contractId?: string; id: string; kind?: AccountKind; nonce: number; payable?: boolean }>
    • Parameters

      • Rest ...args: [`ct_${string}` | `ak_${string}`] | [`ct_${string}` | `ak_${string}`, Omit<{ hash?: `kh_${string}` | `mh_${string}`; height?: number; onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]

      Returns Promise<{ authFun?: string; balance: bigint; contractId?: string; id: string; kind?: AccountKind; nonce: number; payable?: boolean }>

getBalance: ((...args: [`ct_${string}` | `ak_${string}`] | [`ct_${string}` | `ak_${string}`, Omit<{ format?: AE_AMOUNT_FORMATS } & { hash?: `kh_${string}` | `mh_${string}`; height?: number; onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<string>)

Type declaration

    • (...args: [`ct_${string}` | `ak_${string}`] | [`ct_${string}` | `ak_${string}`, Omit<{ format?: AE_AMOUNT_FORMATS } & { hash?: `kh_${string}` | `mh_${string}`; height?: number; onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]): Promise<string>
    • Parameters

      • Rest ...args: [`ct_${string}` | `ak_${string}`] | [`ct_${string}` | `ak_${string}`, Omit<{ format?: AE_AMOUNT_FORMATS } & { hash?: `kh_${string}` | `mh_${string}`; height?: number; onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]

      Returns Promise<string>

getContract: ((...args: [`ct_${string}`] | [`ct_${string}`, Omit<{ onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<{ abiVersion: string; active: boolean; deposit: bigint; id: string; ownerId: string; referrerIds: string[]; vmVersion: string }>)

Type declaration

    • (...args: [`ct_${string}`] | [`ct_${string}`, Omit<{ onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]): Promise<{ abiVersion: string; active: boolean; deposit: bigint; id: string; ownerId: string; referrerIds: string[]; vmVersion: string }>
    • Parameters

      • Rest ...args: [`ct_${string}`] | [`ct_${string}`, Omit<{ onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]

      Returns Promise<{ abiVersion: string; active: boolean; deposit: bigint; id: string; ownerId: string; referrerIds: string[]; vmVersion: string }>

getContractByteCode: ((...args: [`ct_${string}`] | [`ct_${string}`, Omit<{ onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<{ bytecode: string }>)

Type declaration

    • (...args: [`ct_${string}`] | [`ct_${string}`, Omit<{ onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]): Promise<{ bytecode: string }>
    • Parameters

      • Rest ...args: [`ct_${string}`] | [`ct_${string}`, Omit<{ onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]

      Returns Promise<{ bytecode: string }>

getContractInstance: ((...args: [] | [Omit<{ aci?: <internal>.Aci; bytecode?: `cb_${string}`; contractAddress?: `ct_${string}` | `${string}.chain`; fileSystem?: Record<string, string>; onAccount?: AccountBase; onCompiler: Compiler; onNode: Node; source?: string; validateBytecode?: boolean; [key: string]: any }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<ContractInstance>)

Type declaration

    • (...args: [] | [Omit<{ aci?: <internal>.Aci; bytecode?: `cb_${string}`; contractAddress?: `ct_${string}` | `${string}.chain`; fileSystem?: Record<string, string>; onAccount?: AccountBase; onCompiler: Compiler; onNode: Node; source?: string; validateBytecode?: boolean; [key: string]: any }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]): Promise<ContractInstance>
    • Parameters

      • Rest ...args: [] | [Omit<{ aci?: <internal>.Aci; bytecode?: `cb_${string}`; contractAddress?: `ct_${string}` | `${string}.chain`; fileSystem?: Record<string, string>; onAccount?: AccountBase; onCompiler: Compiler; onNode: Node; source?: string; validateBytecode?: boolean; [key: string]: any }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]

      Returns Promise<ContractInstance>

getCurrentGeneration: ((...args: [] | [Omit<{ onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<{ keyBlock: { hash: string; height: number; prevHash: string; prevKeyHash: string; stateHash: string; miner: string; beneficiary: string; target: string; pow?: string[] | undefined; nonce?: number | undefined; time: number; version: number; info: string; }; microBlocks: string[] }>)

Type declaration

    • (...args: [] | [Omit<{ onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]): Promise<{ keyBlock: { hash: string; height: number; prevHash: string; prevKeyHash: string; stateHash: string; miner: string; beneficiary: string; target: string; pow?: string[] | undefined; nonce?: number | undefined; time: number; version: number; info: string; }; microBlocks: string[] }>
    • Parameters

      • Rest ...args: [] | [Omit<{ onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]

      Returns Promise<{ keyBlock: { hash: string; height: number; prevHash: string; prevKeyHash: string; stateHash: string; miner: string; beneficiary: string; target: string; pow?: string[] | undefined; nonce?: number | undefined; time: number; version: number; info: string; }; microBlocks: string[] }>

getGeneration: ((...args: [number | `kh_${string}`] | [number | `kh_${string}`, Omit<{ onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<{ keyBlock: { hash: string; height: number; prevHash: string; prevKeyHash: string; stateHash: string; miner: string; beneficiary: string; target: string; pow?: string[] | undefined; nonce?: number | undefined; time: number; version: number; info: string; }; microBlocks: string[] }>)

Type declaration

    • (...args: [number | `kh_${string}`] | [number | `kh_${string}`, Omit<{ onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]): Promise<{ keyBlock: { hash: string; height: number; prevHash: string; prevKeyHash: string; stateHash: string; miner: string; beneficiary: string; target: string; pow?: string[] | undefined; nonce?: number | undefined; time: number; version: number; info: string; }; microBlocks: string[] }>
    • Parameters

      • Rest ...args: [number | `kh_${string}`] | [number | `kh_${string}`, Omit<{ onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]

      Returns Promise<{ keyBlock: { hash: string; height: number; prevHash: string; prevKeyHash: string; stateHash: string; miner: string; beneficiary: string; target: string; pow?: string[] | undefined; nonce?: number | undefined; time: number; version: number; info: string; }; microBlocks: string[] }>

getHeight: ((...args: [] | [Omit<{ onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<number>)

Type declaration

    • (...args: [] | [Omit<{ onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]): Promise<number>
    • Parameters

      • Rest ...args: [] | [Omit<{ onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]

      Returns Promise<number>

getKeyBlock: ((...args: [number | `kh_${string}`] | [number | `kh_${string}`, Omit<{ onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<{ beneficiary: string; hash: string; height: number; info: string; miner: string; nonce?: number; pow?: string[]; prevHash: string; prevKeyHash: string; stateHash: string; target: string; time: number; version: number }>)

Type declaration

    • (...args: [number | `kh_${string}`] | [number | `kh_${string}`, Omit<{ onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]): Promise<{ beneficiary: string; hash: string; height: number; info: string; miner: string; nonce?: number; pow?: string[]; prevHash: string; prevKeyHash: string; stateHash: string; target: string; time: number; version: number }>
    • Parameters

      • Rest ...args: [number | `kh_${string}`] | [number | `kh_${string}`, Omit<{ onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]

      Returns Promise<{ beneficiary: string; hash: string; height: number; info: string; miner: string; nonce?: number; pow?: string[]; prevHash: string; prevKeyHash: string; stateHash: string; target: string; time: number; version: number }>

getMicroBlockHeader: ((...args: [`mh_${string}`] | [`mh_${string}`, Omit<{ onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<{ hash: string; height: number; pofHash: string; prevHash: string; prevKeyHash: string; signature: string; stateHash: string; time: number; txsHash: string; version: number }>)

Type declaration

    • (...args: [`mh_${string}`] | [`mh_${string}`, Omit<{ onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]): Promise<{ hash: string; height: number; pofHash: string; prevHash: string; prevKeyHash: string; signature: string; stateHash: string; time: number; txsHash: string; version: number }>
    • Parameters

      • Rest ...args: [`mh_${string}`] | [`mh_${string}`, Omit<{ onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]

      Returns Promise<{ hash: string; height: number; pofHash: string; prevHash: string; prevKeyHash: string; signature: string; stateHash: string; time: number; txsHash: string; version: number }>

getMicroBlockTransactions: ((...args: [`mh_${string}`] | [`mh_${string}`, Omit<{ onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<{ blockHash: string; blockHeight: number; hash: string; signatures: string[]; tx: { type: "Tx"; recipientId?: string | undefined; amount?: bigint | undefined; fee: bigint; ttl?: number | undefined; senderId?: string | undefined; nonce?: number | undefined; payload?: string | undefined; ... 53 more ...; version: number; } }[]>)

Type declaration

    • (...args: [`mh_${string}`] | [`mh_${string}`, Omit<{ onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]): Promise<{ blockHash: string; blockHeight: number; hash: string; signatures: string[]; tx: { type: "Tx"; recipientId?: string | undefined; amount?: bigint | undefined; fee: bigint; ttl?: number | undefined; senderId?: string | undefined; nonce?: number | undefined; payload?: string | undefined; ... 53 more ...; version: number; } }[]>
    • Parameters

      • Rest ...args: [`mh_${string}`] | [`mh_${string}`, Omit<{ onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]

      Returns Promise<{ blockHash: string; blockHeight: number; hash: string; signatures: string[]; tx: { type: "Tx"; recipientId?: string | undefined; amount?: bigint | undefined; fee: bigint; ttl?: number | undefined; senderId?: string | undefined; nonce?: number | undefined; payload?: string | undefined; ... 53 more ...; version: number; } }[]>

getName: ((...args: [`${string}.chain`] | [`${string}.chain`, Omit<{ onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<{ id: string; owner?: string; pointers: ({ key: string; id: string; })[]; ttl: number }>)

Type declaration

    • (...args: [`${string}.chain`] | [`${string}.chain`, Omit<{ onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]): Promise<{ id: string; owner?: string; pointers: ({ key: string; id: string; })[]; ttl: number }>
    • Parameters

      • Rest ...args: [`${string}.chain`] | [`${string}.chain`, Omit<{ onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]

      Returns Promise<{ id: string; owner?: string; pointers: ({ key: string; id: string; })[]; ttl: number }>

getNetworkId: ((__namedParameters?: { networkId?: string }) => Promise<string>) = getNetworkId

Type declaration

    • (__namedParameters?: { networkId?: string }): Promise<string>
    • Obtain networkId from account or node


      • __namedParameters: { networkId?: string } = {}
        • Optional networkId?: string

      Returns Promise<string>

getOracleObject: ((...args: [`ok_${string}`] | [`ok_${string}`, Omit<{ onAccount: AccountBase; onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<GetOracleObjectReturnType>)

Type declaration

getQueryObject: ((...args: [`ok_${string}`, `oq_${string}`] | [`ok_${string}`, `oq_${string}`, Omit<RespondToQueryOptions & { interval?: number; onNode: Node } & { _expectedMineRate?: number; _maxPollInterval?: number; _microBlockCycle?: number }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<GetQueryObjectReturnType>)

Type declaration

    • (...args: [`ok_${string}`, `oq_${string}`] | [`ok_${string}`, `oq_${string}`, Omit<RespondToQueryOptions & { interval?: number; onNode: Node } & { _expectedMineRate?: number; _maxPollInterval?: number; _microBlockCycle?: number }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]): Promise<GetQueryObjectReturnType>
    • Parameters

      • Rest ...args: [`ok_${string}`, `oq_${string}`] | [`ok_${string}`, `oq_${string}`, Omit<RespondToQueryOptions & { interval?: number; onNode: Node } & { _expectedMineRate?: number; _maxPollInterval?: number; _microBlockCycle?: number }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]

      Returns Promise<GetQueryObjectReturnType>

getVmVersion: ((...args: [Tag] | [Tag, Omit<Partial<Pick<CtVersion, "abiVersion">> & { onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<Pick<CtVersion, "abiVersion">>)

Type declaration

height: ((...args: [] | [Omit<{ onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<number>)

Type declaration

    • (...args: [] | [Omit<{ onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]): Promise<number>
    • Parameters

      • Rest ...args: [] | [Omit<{ onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]

      Returns Promise<number>

isGA: ((...args: [`ak_${string}`] | [`ak_${string}`, Omit<{ hash?: `kh_${string}` | `mh_${string}`; height?: number; onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<boolean>)

Type declaration

    • (...args: [`ak_${string}`] | [`ak_${string}`, Omit<{ hash?: `kh_${string}` | `mh_${string}`; height?: number; onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]): Promise<boolean>
    • Parameters

      • Rest ...args: [`ak_${string}`] | [`ak_${string}`, Omit<{ hash?: `kh_${string}` | `mh_${string}`; height?: number; onNode: Node }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]

      Returns Promise<boolean>

payForTransaction: ((...args: [`tx_${string}`] | [`tx_${string}`, Omit<PayForTransactionOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<SendReturnType>)

Type declaration

poll: ((...args: [`th_${string}`] | [`th_${string}`, Omit<{ blocks?: number; interval?: number; onNode: Node } & { _expectedMineRate?: number; _maxPollInterval?: number; _microBlockCycle?: number }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<{ blockHash: string; blockHeight: number; hash: string; signatures: string[]; tx: { type: "Tx"; recipientId?: string | undefined; amount?: bigint | undefined; fee: bigint; ttl?: number | undefined; senderId?: string | undefined; nonce?: number | undefined; payload?: string | undefined; ... 53 more ...; version: number; } }>)

Type declaration

    • (...args: [`th_${string}`] | [`th_${string}`, Omit<{ blocks?: number; interval?: number; onNode: Node } & { _expectedMineRate?: number; _maxPollInterval?: number; _microBlockCycle?: number }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]): Promise<{ blockHash: string; blockHeight: number; hash: string; signatures: string[]; tx: { type: "Tx"; recipientId?: string | undefined; amount?: bigint | undefined; fee: bigint; ttl?: number | undefined; senderId?: string | undefined; nonce?: number | undefined; payload?: string | undefined; ... 53 more ...; version: number; } }>
    • Parameters

      • Rest ...args: [`th_${string}`] | [`th_${string}`, Omit<{ blocks?: number; interval?: number; onNode: Node } & { _expectedMineRate?: number; _maxPollInterval?: number; _microBlockCycle?: number }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]

      Returns Promise<{ blockHash: string; blockHeight: number; hash: string; signatures: string[]; tx: { type: "Tx"; recipientId?: string | undefined; amount?: bigint | undefined; fee: bigint; ttl?: number | undefined; senderId?: string | undefined; nonce?: number | undefined; payload?: string | undefined; ... 53 more ...; version: number; } }>

pollForQueries: ((...args: [`ok_${string}`, ((queries: { fee: bigint; id: string; oracleId: string; query: string; response: string; responseTtl: { type: TTLType; value: string; }; senderId: string; senderNonce: string; ttl: number }[]) => void)] | [`ok_${string}`, ((queries: { fee: bigint; id: string; oracleId: string; query: string; response: string; responseTtl: { type: TTLType; value: string; }; senderId: string; senderNonce: string; ttl: number }[]) => void), Omit<{ interval?: number; onNode: Node } & { _expectedMineRate?: number; _maxPollInterval?: number; _microBlockCycle?: number }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => (() => void))

Type declaration

    • (...args: [`ok_${string}`, ((queries: { fee: bigint; id: string; oracleId: string; query: string; response: string; responseTtl: { type: TTLType; value: string; }; senderId: string; senderNonce: string; ttl: number }[]) => void)] | [`ok_${string}`, ((queries: { fee: bigint; id: string; oracleId: string; query: string; response: string; responseTtl: { type: TTLType; value: string; }; senderId: string; senderNonce: string; ttl: number }[]) => void), Omit<{ interval?: number; onNode: Node } & { _expectedMineRate?: number; _maxPollInterval?: number; _microBlockCycle?: number }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]): (() => void)
    • Parameters

      • Rest ...args: [`ok_${string}`, ((queries: { fee: bigint; id: string; oracleId: string; query: string; response: string; responseTtl: { type: TTLType; value: string; }; senderId: string; senderNonce: string; ttl: number }[]) => void)] | [`ok_${string}`, ((queries: { fee: bigint; id: string; oracleId: string; query: string; response: string; responseTtl: { type: TTLType; value: string; }; senderId: string; senderNonce: string; ttl: number }[]) => void), Omit<{ interval?: number; onNode: Node } & { _expectedMineRate?: number; _maxPollInterval?: number; _microBlockCycle?: number }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]

      Returns (() => void)

        • (): void
        • Poll for oracle queries




          Callback to stop polling function

          Returns void

pollForQueryResponse: ((...args: [`ok_${string}`, `oq_${string}`] | [`ok_${string}`, `oq_${string}`, Omit<{ interval?: number; onNode: Node } & { _expectedMineRate?: number; _maxPollInterval?: number; _microBlockCycle?: number }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<string>)

Type declaration

    • (...args: [`ok_${string}`, `oq_${string}`] | [`ok_${string}`, `oq_${string}`, Omit<{ interval?: number; onNode: Node } & { _expectedMineRate?: number; _maxPollInterval?: number; _microBlockCycle?: number }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]): Promise<string>
    • Parameters

      • Rest ...args: [`ok_${string}`, `oq_${string}`] | [`ok_${string}`, `oq_${string}`, Omit<{ interval?: number; onNode: Node } & { _expectedMineRate?: number; _maxPollInterval?: number; _microBlockCycle?: number }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]

      Returns Promise<string>

pool: Map<string, Node> = ...
postQueryToOracle: ((...args: [`ok_${string}`, string, Omit<PostQueryToOracleOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<SendReturnType & GetQueryObjectReturnType>)

Type declaration

prepareTxParams: ((...args: [Tag, Omit<PrepareTxParamsOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<{ nonce: number; ttl: number }>)

Type declaration

registerOracle: ((...args: [string, string] | [string, string, Omit<RegisterOracleOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<SendReturnType & GetOracleObjectReturnType>)

Type declaration

resolveName: ((...args: [`ct_${string}` | `ak_${string}` | `${string}.chain`, string] | [`ct_${string}` | `ak_${string}` | `${string}.chain`, string, Omit<{ onNode: Node; resolveByNode?: boolean; verify?: boolean }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<`ct_${string}` | `ak_${string}` | `nm_${string}`>)

Type declaration

    • (...args: [`ct_${string}` | `ak_${string}` | `${string}.chain`, string] | [`ct_${string}` | `ak_${string}` | `${string}.chain`, string, Omit<{ onNode: Node; resolveByNode?: boolean; verify?: boolean }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]): Promise<`ct_${string}` | `ak_${string}` | `nm_${string}`>
    • Parameters

      • Rest ...args: [`ct_${string}` | `ak_${string}` | `${string}.chain`, string] | [`ct_${string}` | `ak_${string}` | `${string}.chain`, string, Omit<{ onNode: Node; resolveByNode?: boolean; verify?: boolean }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]

      Returns Promise<`ct_${string}` | `ak_${string}` | `nm_${string}`>

respondToQuery: ((...args: [`ok_${string}`, `oq_${string}`, string] | [`ok_${string}`, `oq_${string}`, string, Omit<RespondToQueryOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<SendReturnType & GetOracleObjectReturnType>)

Type declaration

selectedAddress?: `ak_${string}`
selectedNodeName?: string
send: ((...args: [`tx_${string}`] | [`tx_${string}`, Omit<SendOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<SendReturnType>)

Type declaration

sendTransaction: ((...args: [`tx_${string}`] | [`tx_${string}`, Omit<SendTransactionOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<SendTransactionReturnType>)

Type declaration

signUsingGA: ((...args: [`tx_${string}`, Omit<{ authData: { args?: any[]; callData?: `cb_${string}`; gasLimit?: number; source?: string }; authFun: string } & { onAccount: AccountBase; onCompiler: Compiler; onNode: Node } & object, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<`tx_${string}`>)

Type declaration

    • (...args: [`tx_${string}`, Omit<{ authData: { args?: any[]; callData?: `cb_${string}`; gasLimit?: number; source?: string }; authFun: string } & { onAccount: AccountBase; onCompiler: Compiler; onNode: Node } & object, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]): Promise<`tx_${string}`>
    • Parameters

      • Rest ...args: [`tx_${string}`, Omit<{ authData: { args?: any[]; callData?: `cb_${string}`; gasLimit?: number; source?: string }; authFun: string } & { onAccount: AccountBase; onCompiler: Compiler; onNode: Node } & object, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]

      Returns Promise<`tx_${string}`>

spend: ((...args: [string | number, `ak_${string}` | `${string}.chain`] | [string | number, `ak_${string}` | `${string}.chain`, Omit<SpendOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<SendReturnType>)

Type declaration

    • (...args: [string | number, `ak_${string}` | `${string}.chain`] | [string | number, `ak_${string}` | `${string}.chain`, Omit<SpendOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]): Promise<SendReturnType>
    • Parameters

      • Rest ...args: [string | number, `ak_${string}` | `${string}.chain`] | [string | number, `ak_${string}` | `${string}.chain`, Omit<SpendOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]

      Returns Promise<SendReturnType>

transferFunds: ((...args: [string | number, `ak_${string}` | `${string}.chain`] | [string | number, `ak_${string}` | `${string}.chain`, Omit<TransferFundsOptions, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<SendReturnType>)

Type declaration

txDryRun: ((...args: [`tx_${string}`, `ak_${string}`] | [`tx_${string}`, `ak_${string}`, Omit<{ combine?: boolean; onNode: Node; top?: number; txEvents?: boolean }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<{ txEvents?: {}[] } & { callObj?: { callerId: string; callerNonce: string; height: number; contractId: string; gasPrice: bigint; gasUsed: number; log: { address: string; topics: string[]; data: string; }[]; returnValue: string; returnType: ContractCallReturnType; }; reason?: string; result: string; type: string }>)

Type declaration

    • (...args: [`tx_${string}`, `ak_${string}`] | [`tx_${string}`, `ak_${string}`, Omit<{ combine?: boolean; onNode: Node; top?: number; txEvents?: boolean }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]): Promise<{ txEvents?: {}[] } & { callObj?: { callerId: string; callerNonce: string; height: number; contractId: string; gasPrice: bigint; gasUsed: number; log: { address: string; topics: string[]; data: string; }[]; returnValue: string; returnType: ContractCallReturnType; }; reason?: string; result: string; type: string }>
    • Parameters

      • Rest ...args: [`tx_${string}`, `ak_${string}`] | [`tx_${string}`, `ak_${string}`, Omit<{ combine?: boolean; onNode: Node; top?: number; txEvents?: boolean }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]

      Returns Promise<{ txEvents?: {}[] } & { callObj?: { callerId: string; callerNonce: string; height: number; contractId: string; gasPrice: bigint; gasUsed: number; log: { address: string; topics: string[]; data: string; }[]; returnValue: string; returnType: ContractCallReturnType; }; reason?: string; result: string; type: string }>

waitForTxConfirm: ((...args: [`th_${string}`] | [`th_${string}`, Omit<{ confirm?: number; onNode: Node } & { interval?: number; onNode: Node } & { _expectedMineRate?: number; _maxPollInterval?: number; _microBlockCycle?: number }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]) => Promise<number>)

Type declaration

    • (...args: [`th_${string}`] | [`th_${string}`, Omit<{ confirm?: number; onNode: Node } & { interval?: number; onNode: Node } & { _expectedMineRate?: number; _maxPollInterval?: number; _microBlockCycle?: number }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]): Promise<number>
    • Parameters

      • Rest ...args: [`th_${string}`] | [`th_${string}`, Omit<{ confirm?: number; onNode: Node } & { interval?: number; onNode: Node } & { _expectedMineRate?: number; _maxPollInterval?: number; _microBlockCycle?: number }, "onNode" | "onAccount" | "onCompiler"> & { onAccount?: `ak_${string}` | AccountBase | Keypair; onCompiler?: Compiler; onNode?: Node }]

      Returns Promise<number>



  • Add specific account




    • account: AccountBase

      Account instance

    • options: { select?: boolean } = {}


      • Optional select?: boolean

        Select account

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Add Node


    // add and select new node with name 'testNode'
    aeSdkBase.addNode('testNode', new Node({ url }), true)


    • name: string

      Node name

    • node: Node

      Node instance

    • select: boolean = false

      Select this node as current

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • __namedParameters: { onAccount?: any } = {}
      • Optional onAccount?: any

    Returns Promise<`ak_${string}`>

  • Get accounts addresses



    Returns `ak_${string}`[]

  • Check if you have selected node



    Returns this is <internal>.AeSdkBase & { selectedNodeName: string }

  • Remove specific account




    • address: `ak_${string}`

      Address of account to remove

    Returns void

  • Select specific account




    • address: `ak_${string}`

      Address of account to select

    Returns void

  • Select Node




    • name: string

      Node name

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • compilerUrl: string
    • __namedParameters: { ignoreVersion?: boolean } = {}
      • Optional ignoreVersion?: boolean

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • data: string | Uint8Array
    • __namedParameters: { onAccount?: any } = {}
      • Optional onAccount?: any

    Returns Promise<Uint8Array>

  • Parameters

    • message: string
    • __namedParameters: { onAccount?: any } & { returnHex?: boolean } = {}

    Returns Promise<string | Uint8Array>

  • Parameters

    • tx: `tx_${string}`
    • __namedParameters: { onAccount?: any } & { authData?: { args?: any[]; callData?: `cb_${string}`; gasLimit?: number; source?: string }; authFun?: string; innerTx?: boolean; networkId?: string } & Omit<Partial<{ onAccount: AccountBase; onCompiler: Compiler; onNode: Node } & object>, "onAccount"> = {}

    Returns Promise<`tx_${string}`>

  • Parameters

    • message: string
    • signature: string | Uint8Array
    • __namedParameters: { onAccount?: any } & object = {}

    Returns Promise<boolean>

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