Testnets and Faucet

æternity provides robust testing environments that mirror mainnet functionality while using test tokens with no real value. The testing infrastructure includes a node testnet for blockchain testing, middleware testnet for æpp backend services, hyperchains testnet and a comprehensive testnet explorer for viewing the testnet's transaction history and status. Developers can obtain test AE tokens through the faucet to begin building and testing their applications before deploying to mainnet.

Testing Networks & Status Endpoints

æternity provides comprehensive network status monitoring through various endpoints across both mainnet and testnet environments. Before deploying on mainnet, developers can use these endpoints to validate their applications, monitor network health, and ensure proper connectivity. Status endpoints provide real-time information about node synchronization, network performance, and API availability.

Available Services

Node Access

Mainnet and testnet status endpoints let you check node health and network status. The Swagger-UI provides an interactive interface for testing Node API endpoints during development.

Middleware Status

Monitor backend services through middleware status endpoints for both networks. This is particularly useful when developing æpps that require middleware integration.

Block Explorer

View transaction history and network activity through dedicated explorers for both mainnet and testnet environments. The testnet explorer is especially valuable for tracking test transactions and smart contract interactions during development.

Using Status Endpoints

Check network status using cURL:

# Example testnet node status check
curl https://testnet.aeternity.io/v3/status

# Response includes:
- Node version
- Network ID
- Current height
- Peer count
- Sync status


  • Mainnet - Access to the status endpoint

  • Testnet - Access to the status endpoint

  • Swagger-UI - Explore and interact with the Node API


  • Mainnet - Access to the status endpoint

  • Testnet - Access to the status endpoint


  • Mainnet - Explore the history of æternity mainnet

  • Testnet - Explore the history of æternity testnet

Other Services


Best Practices

  1. Always test against testnet first

  2. Monitor both mainnet and testnet status during development

  3. Use the Swagger UI to explore and test API endpoints

  4. Verify middleware sync status when building æpps

  5. Use the explorer to confirm your test transactions

Last updated