Connect an æpp to a wallet
This guide describes the 4 steps that are necessary to connect your application to a wallet using the RPC API.
- Install Superhero Wallet extension for simplicity of example. You can build your own wallet in the next example
1. Specify imports and constants
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import { AeSdkAepp, Node } from '@aeternity/aepp-sdk';
const TESTNET_NODE_URL = '';
const MAINNET_NODE_URL = '';
const COMPILER_URL = '';
2. Initialize the AeSdkAepp
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aeSdk = new AeSdkAepp({
name: 'Simple æpp',
nodes: [
{ name: 'testnet', instance: new Node(TESTNET_NODE_URL) },
{ name: 'mainnet', instance: new Node(MAINNET_NODE_URL) },
compilerUrl: COMPILER_URL,
onNetworkChange: async ({ networkId }) => {
const [{ name }] = (await aeSdk.getNodesInPool())
.filter((node) => node.nodeNetworkId === networkId);
commit('setNetworkId', networkId);
onAddressChange: ({ current }) => commit('setAddress', Object.keys(current)[0]),
onDisconnect: () => alert('Aepp is disconnected'),
3. Scan for wallets and connect to a wallet
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async scanForWallets () {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const handleWallets = async ({ wallets, newWallet }) => {
newWallet = newWallet || Object.values(wallets)[0]
if (confirm(`Do you want to connect to wallet ${} with id ${}`)) {
console.log('newWallet', newWallet)
this.walletInfo = await this.aeSdk.connectToWallet(newWallet.getConnection())
this.walletConnected = true
const { address: { current } } = await this.aeSdk.subscribeAddress('subscribe', 'connected')
this.$store.commit('aeSdk/setAddress', Object.keys(current)[0])
const scannerConnection = new BrowserWindowMessageConnection()
const stopScan = walletDetector(scannerConnection, handleWallets)
Alternatively, aepp can request wallet to share node url it connected to. If agreed, then aepp can connect to the wallet's node.
await this.aeSdk.connectToWallet(
{ connectNode: true, name: 'wallet-node', select: true },
It can be used to
- improve responsiveness by connecting to the exact node that wallet uses;
- allow to connect aepps to private/development networks without changing their configuration;
- simplify configuration on aepp side.
- The steps above are snippets taken from the full implementation of the Simple æpp