Connect an æpp to a wallet

This guide describes the 4 steps that are necessary to connect your application to a wallet using the RPC API.


1. Specify imports and constants

2. Initialize the AeSdkAepp class

3. Scan for wallets and connect to a wallet

Alternatively, aepp can request wallet to share node url it connected to. If agreed, then aepp can connect to the wallet's node.

await this.aeSdk.connectToWallet(wallet.getConnection(), {
  connectNode: true,
  name: 'wallet-node',
  select: true,

It can be used to

  • improve responsiveness by connecting to the exact node that wallet uses;

  • allow to connect aepps to private/development networks without changing their configuration;

  • simplify configuration on aepp side.


  • The steps above are snippets taken from the full implementation of the Simple æpp

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