Token migration contract

In the Lima hard-fork the remaining (frozen) Aeternity tokens from the Ethereum ERC20 contract are put into a contract and can be retreived by the entity holding the correct Ethereum private key. This contract is added to chain as part of the hard-fork, and the contract is also funded as part of the hard-fork. Here we describe how we prepare the data (the contracts.json file) that is used during the hard-fork. The .json-file has the following format and constraints (apps/aecore/src/aec_fork_block_settings.erl):

%%% { <API encoded pubkey for contract> : { "amount" : <integer>,
%%%                                         "vm_version" : <integer>,
%%%                                         "abi_version" : <integer>,
%%%                                         "nonce" : <integer>
%%%                                         "code" : <API encoded contract byte array>
%%%                                         "call_data" : <API encoded contract byte array>
%%%                                       }
%%% ...
%%% }
%%% The locked token account will be the owner of the contracts.
%%% The nonces must correspond to the nonces of the owner account.
%%% The nonces must be consecutive (but not necessarity ordered)
%%% The pubkey of the contract must correspond to the computed pubkey
%%%    (based on owner account and nonce). This is mostly a fail safe to ensure
%%%    that the contract pubkey is visible in the file.

Since this is the first contract to be added by this mechanism, the nonce to be used is 1 and we can compute the contract pubkey using Erlang:

25> Locked = aec_governance:locked_coins_holder_account(), Nonce = 1.
26> CtPK = aect_contracts:compute_contract_pubkey(Locked, Nonce).
27> aeser_api_encoder:encode(contract_pubkey, CtPK).

Then we need to compute the total sum of tokens. The final list of accounts that has not migrated their tokens is in test/json/contracts_accounts.json. The sum of the tokens is:

79> mtree:total_sum_from_json("../test/json/contracts_accounts.json").

We also need the root-hash of the Merkle tree (the tree contains all the Ethereum accounts and their respective balances).

80> BigT = mtree:tree_from_json("../test/json/contracts_accounts.json"), ok.
81> mtree:root_hash(BigT).

Finally we need to compile the contract available HERE, and the contract init call data:

aeternity : ls -l test/contracts/token_migration.aes
-rw-r--r--  1 hans  staff  3966 Sep 27 10:39 test/contracts/token_migration.aes
aeternity : md5 test/contracts/token_migration.aes
MD5 (test/contracts/token_migration.aes) = 56ead7528cb20700e148566e5683b5c0
aeternity : md5 ../aesophia_cli/priv/bin/v4.0.0-rc5/aesophia_cli
MD5 (../aesophia_cli/priv/bin/v4.0.0-rc5/aesophia_cli) = 39ae10aa26838dc99f5caae5f43d98ff
aeternity : ../aesophia_cli/priv/bin/v4.0.0-rc5/aesophia_cli test/contracts/token_migration.aes
aeternity : ../aesophia_cli/priv/bin/v4.0.0-rc5/aesophia_cli --create_calldata test/contracts/token_migration.aes --calldata_fun init --calldata_args "\"E4DBC69BF2783B81B0423DA3F5B684C1D37CCFAE798474525C4001DB42C67669\", 0"

The resulting data is then:

    "ct_eJhrbPPS4V97VLKEVbSCJFpdA4uyXiZujQyLqMFoYV88TzDe6" :
        { "amount"      : 29622067581238053773524138,
          "vm_version"  : 5,
          "abi_version" : 3,
          "nonce"       : 1,
          "call_data"   : "cb_KxFE1kQfKwEARTREQkM2OUJGMjc4M0I4MUIwNDIzREEzRjVCNjg0QzFEMzdDQ0ZBRTc5ODQ3NDUyNUM0MDAxREI0MkM2NzY2OQDtuA/R"

Last updated

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