P2P messages

P2P messages are transported using the Noise protocol. Since each message in the Noise protocol is limited to (65536 - 2) bytes we sometimes have to fragment larger messages (in particular blocks and transaction pool-chunks). On top of this we use a simple message format, where 2 bytes (16 bits) are used for a big-endian encoded message type integer followed by the payload for the particular message. Since Noise (and the fragmentation) handle message size we need no length field. The payload is a byte array, and messages are either fixed binary data or encoded using RLP.

The following P2P messages are implemented in the æternity node:

Each message type (except for MSG_FRAGMENT) is versioned such that the message can easily be changed while still maintaining backwards compatibility by adding logic to handle several versions of a message.


In the following we use some types to abbreviate the documentation here is how various types should be interpreted (corresponds to their encoding):

  • uint16 - 16 bit, big endian unsigned integer.

  • byte_array - variable sized byte array (either the last field in a static message or RLP encoded).

  • bool - representing true or false - encoded as 0 or 1.

  • int - variable (RLP encoded) integer

  • [X] - variable (RLP encoded) list of X:s


(Tag = 0)


  • N :: uint16 - fragment N of M

  • M :: uint16 - total number of fragments

  • Data :: byte_array

NOTE: Data is either (65536 - 6) bytes or N is equal to M.


(Tag = 100)

Message is RLP encoded, fields:

  • Result :: bool - true means ok, false means error.

  • Type :: int - the type of the response

  • Reason :: byte_array - Human readable (UTF8) reason (only set if Result is false)*

  • Object :: byte_array - an object of type Type if Result is true.


(Tag = 1)

Message is RLP encoded, fields:

Version 1

  • Port :: int - listen port.

  • Share :: int - number of peers to share.

  • GenesisHash :: byte_array

  • Difficulty :: int - the total difficulty of the chain.

  • TopHash :: byte_array

  • SyncAllowed :: bool - if the sender of this ping message is accepting synchronization messages.

  • Peers :: [byte_array] - list of shared peers.

Version 2

  • Versions :: list

    • Protocol :: binary - type of message, currently only "ping" is supported.

    • Vsns :: [int] - versions supported

  • Port :: int - listen port.

  • Share :: int - number of peers to share.

  • GenesisHash :: byte_array

  • Height :: int - current height.

  • Difficulty :: int - the total difficulty of the chain.

  • TopHash :: byte_array

  • SyncAllowed :: bool - if the sender of this ping message is accepting synchronization messages.

  • Capabilities :: byte_array - list of supported capabilites.

  • Peers :: [byte_array] - list of shared peers.

Peers are serialized/deserialized in aec_peer_messages


(Tag = 3)

Message is RLP encoded, fields:

  • Hash :: byte_array


(Tag = 15)

Message is RLP encoded, fields:

  • Height :: int

  • TopHash :: byte_array - to ensure we get a header at height from the right fork


(Tag = 4)

Message is RLP encoded, fields:

  • Header :: byte_array

The Header is serialized using the aec_headers:serialize_to_binary/1 function.


(Tag = 5)

Message is RLP encoded, fields:

  • FromHash :: byte_array - header hash to start at

  • TargetHash :: byte_array - target header hash (to ensure we get headers from the right fork)

  • N :: int - number of header hashes to get


(Tag = 6)

Message is RLP encoded, fields:

  • HeaderHashes :: [byte_array]

Each header hash contains a 64-bit big endian height and the corresponding hash, see aec_peer_messages for details.


(Tag = 7)

Message is RLP encoded, fields:

  • Hash :: byte_array - The block we fetch TXs from

  • TxHashes :: [byte_array] - List of TxHashes to fetch TXs for


(Tag = 8)

Message is RLP encoded, fields:

  • Hash :: byte_array

  • Forward :: bool


(Tag = 9)

Message is RLP encoded, fields:

  • Txs:: [byte_array]

A signed transaction is serialized as a tagged and versioned signed transaction.


*(Tag = 13)

Message is RLP encoded, fields:

  • Hash :: byte_array - The block we fetch TXs from

  • Txs :: [byte_array] - List of serialized signed TXs

A signed transaction is serialized as a tagged and versioned signed transaction.


*(Tag = 10)

Message is RLP encoded, fields:

  • KeyBlock :: byte_array - Serialized key block

The key block is serialized.


*(Tag = 11)

Message is RLP encoded, fields:

  • MicroBlock :: byte_array - Serialized micro block

  • Light :: bool - flag if micro block is light or normal

A normal micro block is serialized. A light micro block is serialized using aec_peer_connection:serialize_light_micro_block/1 - in effect replacing the list of serialized signed transactions with a list of transaction hashes.


(Tag = 12)

Message is RLP encoded, fields:

  • KeyBlock :: byte_array

  • MicroBlocks :: [byte_array]

  • Forward :: bool

The key block and each of the microblocks are serialized using the aec_blocks:serialize_to_binary/1 function.


(Tag = 20)

Message has no body.


(Tag = 21)

Message is RLP encoded, fields:

  • Unfolds :: [byte_array]

Unfolds are serialized in aec_tx_pool_sync - the serialization is described in [tx_pool_sync])(./tx_pool_sync.md).


(Tag = 22)

Message is RLP encoded, fields:

  • TxHashes :: [byte_array]


(Tag = 23)

Message is RLP encoded, fields:

  • Done :: bool


(Tag = 125)

This message has no fields.

This is to be used for network monitoring.


(Tag = 126)

Message is RLP encoded, fields:

  • Version :: byte_array - the version of the node

  • Revision :: byte_array - the revision of the node

  • Vendor :: byte_array - a string to differentiate between different protocol implementations

  • OS :: byte_array - the operating system the node is being ran

  • NetworkId :: byte_array - the node's expectation of the network_id. This has heavy impact on authentication validations

  • VerifiedPeers :: integer - the amount of peers the node consideres to be verified

  • UnverifiedPeers :: integer - the amount of peers the node consideres to be unverified

This message is the response for the MSG_GET_NODE_INFO message. It is important to note that responding to it is not required by the p2p protocol as a peer might prefer keeping this information private.


(Tag = 127)

This message has no fields.

Last updated

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